Mourad Heddaya


I am a fourth-year PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chicago studying natural language processing. I am advised by Chenhao Tan and am a member of the Communication & Intelligence and Chicago Human+AI labs.

My research interests include building and evaluating the abilities of NLP systems, such as language models, to model messy, complex, and unusual real-world data. Lately, I've been working on:

Recently, I've worked on understanding how language shapes bilateral bargaining.

Last summer, I interned at AWS AI Labs working on developing more efficient methods for LLM alignment.

I received my bachelor's degree at the University of Washington. After graduating, I spent a couple years as a member of Noah Smith's research group, Noah's ARK.

Please email me at:
You can usually find me on campus in John Crerar Library (JCL)